Planning and EPA permits
- Powercor – this includes assessment, design and approval to ensure that pavilion’s project does not propose any risk to the power network
- EPA – this includes detailed assessment and approvals in the areas of noise management, odour management, visual impact, landscape and environment
- DELWP planning approvals – this includes assessment and approvals in the areas of visual impact, landscaping, traffic and cultural heritage
- Health and Safety – this includes ensuring health and safety during the construction and operational phases of the Project
There will be initial approvals as well as ongoing compliance. Our website will be constantly updated for reporting and regulatory requirements.
There will also be detailed commissioning and testing before operation, and ongoing monitoring and maintenance.
Pavilion has recently submitted an application for a planning permit through DELWP. As part of this process, the opportunity for the community to voice their opinion will be invited. Pavilion has prepared a detailed planning permit application using external experts, to ensure all aspects of the application have been thoroughly prepared and meet all the relevant laws and other requirements. The planning permit application has been lodged with DELWP
EPA Development License
Pavilion cannot proceed with the Project without a Development License from the EPA. The process for obtaining such a license is rigorous and detailed. Pavilion has engaged the services of Ricardo who are environmental specialists. Additionally, Pavilion has engaged the services of external experts who are environmental experts and have ensured that all aspects of the EPA application have been thoroughly prepared and meet all the relevant laws and other requirements. The EPA Development License Application has been lodged with the EPA.
- Visual Impact
- Traffic Impact
- Cultural Heritage Impact
- Land Capability Assessment
- Noise Assessment
- Odour Assessment
The results of these assessments have been summarised below:
A Visual Impact Assessment has been performed by Davidson Design Studio. The Assessment Summary and Recommendations are highlighted below.
A Traffic Engineering Assessment was performed by Traffix Group. The key conclusions are shown below in an extract from Traffix Group report. Importantly, the conclusion highlights that the project will reduce heavy vehicle traffic on the road network.
A Cultural Heritage Assessment was performed by Dr Shaun Canning, a renowned expert in Cultural Heritage Management. The key conclusions are shown below in a letter from Dr Shaun Canning. Importantly, the letter highlights that the project will not impact cultural heritage sensitive areas.
Copy of Dr Shaun Canning’s Cultural Heritage Assessment Report
A Land Capability Assessment was performed by Mark Trengove Ecological Services and a detailed Land and Environmental Plan has been prepared to ensure the land and environment is protected and even enhanced as a result of the Project.
A Noise Impact Assessment was performed by Mr Neville Goddard, a Senior Consulting Engineer at Watson Moss Growcott Accoustics (“WMGA”). The key conclusions are shown below in an extract from WGMA’s report. Importantly, the conclusion highlights that the project will manage noise from the OFBF plant below the accepted levels required by the EPA.
Extract from WMG Noise Impact Assessment Report
An Odour Impact Assessment was performed by The Odour Unit. The key conclusions regarding odour impacts on the sensitive receptors (particularly the three sensitive receptors shown in the diagram below) are shown in an extract from The Odour Unit report.
The three closest sensitive receptors to the AD plant are shown above.
Extract from The Odour Unit’s Odour Impact Assessment Report
Odour Assessment Recommendations that will be implemented by Pavilion
Fire Risk
The Property falls within a designated bushfire prone area.
Bushfire Protection Standards for building works, as outlined in the Building Code, will be met.
Impact on Power Network
The Project will produce excess renewable power, with plans to export this power to the grid. This will provide further stability to the grid, particularly in peak times.
Pavilion is currently liaising with Powercor to ensure that our design and Grid Protection equipment and connections are appropriate.
Impact On Property Values
We do not believe the project will adversely affect property prices. Provision of renewable energy to the grid, high grade organic fertiliser to local farms and provision of circular farming knowledge to local businesses, farms and schools, will be of great benefit to the region.
Impact on Easements
We do not envisage any negative impacts on easements